Institute of Health Management Research at Bengaluru is the South Campus of brand IIHMR. We are a premier Institute in Hospital, Public Health and Health IT Management in the region. We aspire to create positive impact in the dynamic health sector through knowledge creation, capacity development and management research. We are constantly striving to impart best practices in healthcare management profession to our students through the flagship programme of PGDHM. Our curriculum has flexibility to quickly respond to the changing requirements of the healthcare sector with inputs from the multidisciplinary faculty team and leverage the expertise across the private, public and health IT companies in the region. Our research projects in the field provide a lot of opportunities for not only showcasing innovative approaches but help in building capacity among various stakeholders, suited to meet the needs of communities. IIHMR, Bengaluru believes in professional development with sound data driven decision making, technical skills, human values and socially responsibility.
Dr. Usha Manjunath
IIHMR Bangalore is an institution dedicated to the improvement in standards of health through better management of health care and related programs. It seeks to accomplish this through management research, training, consultation and institutional networking in a national and global perspective.
IIHMR is a premier institute in health management education, training, research, program management and consulting in the healthcare sector globally. The Institute is known as a learning organization with its core values as:
1. Quality
2. Accountability
3. Trust
4. Transparency
5. Sharing knowledge and information.
The Institute aims to contribute for social equity and development through its commitment to support programs which aiming poor and the deprived population.